Why You Should Start a Blog

Stop procrastinating, stop simply considering, stop wondering, and just do it.

Affiliate Disclosure: There are affiliate links throughout this post. This means if you click on a link and purchase a product through that link, then I will receive a small commission for the referral. And that is kinda cool.

My story. Why I started blogging.

I worked as an Oncology Nurse for over 25 years. My oncology career began with my first job immediately out of nursing school in an Oncology Unit. Then as a Chemotherapy Infusion Nurse, while I worked my way through Graduate School.

Once I graduated, I became an Advanced Practice Nurse working with a busy and successful Oncology Practice. I spent many long hours in a high stress, ever-changing field that brought rewards and learning opportunities daily.

Fast forward to the present.

I became a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) almost four years ago when my kids were eight and ten. They became busier and busier. And I became less equipped to manage it all to the level I expected of myself.

So, I took a step back.

Admittedly, I went through some stuff that I won’t bore you with; let’s say this, being a nurse was a huge part of me. Being a financially independent woman was vital to me.

Plus, my career brought me my husband. And he is incredible.

Onward as to my “why.”

I needed something to do besides laundry, chef, and chauffeur. So, I decided to create a website with travel photos and fun experiences with our family — something for the kids to have forever, like a virtual scrapbook.

AND In Walks the Almighty WordPress.

Y’all know how that moment feels, I know you do.

Blog light bulb.  Reasons to start a Blog

Starting a blog brought me to a place where I was learning things I never knew existed— lots of things.

I am not a writer and have never been interested much in writing, but somehow, I am writing, and improving, and having fun.

I have met awesome new people who I network with all over the world daily. The blogging community is supportive, interactive, and lots of fun.

Plus, guess what? I am generating some cash, which is fantastic. And I see so much room for growth as a business and as a person. I love that I can contribute to the family again financially.

For anyone who says blogging is dead, I challenge you these 25 reasons. And I just Googled “How to Start a Blog.” There were 135,000 searches for this keyword phrase in the past month.

Why You Should Start a Blog

Why should you start a blog in 2020?

1) Share your thoughts and ideas.

Many bloggers find it therapeutic to put their thoughts and ideas on paper (albeit virtually). And then this happens; they find others who read their words and connect. People love to share what is in their hearts, for their voice to be heard.

2) To Share Your Experiences.

Everyone has life experiences to share. There is always someone out there who would love to hear all about it. I promise. People love reading real experiences, successes, and failures from those who did it before them.

3) Starting a blog is easy.

You really can start a blog with absolutely no experience. Traveling Party of Four is proof. You need minimal technical experience; you will learn a bunch as you go. We all started somewhere. Try these five quick and simple steps to get started.

Grammarly Writing Support

4) You can make a little (or a lot) of extra cash by starting a blog.

Yes, even as a new blogger AND even with a small blog. You can make extra cash in many ways. For example, affiliate marketing, writing sponsored posts, selling digital products, or displaying ads. I am only scratching the surface here.

5) You will inspire and help people.

My mission is to inspire people to travel, especially with their children. Travel opens a child’s eyes and heart to life outside of their little bubble.

But, you can help people in many ways with a blog.

  • Help them through a crisis that you may have experienced yourself; let them know that they are not alone.
  • Teach them a new skill.
  • Help readers take steps to save money.
  • Teach moms how to plan family meals for the week in one hour.
  • Learn how to work out a half-hour a day.
  • Become more productive with their life or business.

6) Starting a blog can help your business.

Here’s a list of how a blog can help your business.

Think about it.

  • A blog can show off your personality; customers will see you as an expert in your business field and a real person behind it all. People want to feel a personal connection, even if it is for business purposes.
  • A blog shows that your business is unique.
  • Let’s talk about social media. Post a quick bit of information about your business, such as a quote, link this to a blog, and boom! More clicks=more eyes=more $. Marketing your business on social media will get tons of eyes on your website. People will see that you are warm and unique. They will be drawn to you simply because you wrote to them and for them. Social media presence is the key to success these days.
  • AND, you have many social channels to choose from to spread love.
  • One more thing; If you are running a blog for your business, you are continuously researching, reading, and educating yourself. You will be seen as a business owner who keeps updated on all of your industry’s current changes.

7) Find a creative outlet.

Searching for a creative outlet never really crossed my mind on this journey. But, I think it found me anyway. Many bloggers find an original voice and run with it, and it is beautiful.

8) Starting a blog can become your hobby and replace boutique shopping.

Sorry, Gina, I know you miss me. I will be back when the leaves start falling. Just kidding, I will see you on Saturday.

Why you should start a blog.
Glamorous woman with shopping bags.

9) You will learn so many new things when you become a blogger.

  • Web Design.
  • How to create and grow your email list.
  • Learn how to write compelling copy.
  • Take and edit pretty pictures.
  • Graphic design.
  • Content marketing.
  • Terms such as SEO, Domain authority, Avatar, cPanel (I am still trying to figure this one out), HTML, hosting provider, slug (not the slimy one), and lots of types of links.

10) And become a wiz at social media.

Yes, if you have a blog, getting cozy and comfortable with social media is a must. Sometimes I love it; sometimes, I don’t. But, it’s crucial for blog growth. You will become a social media boss, whether you like it or not.

11) Blogging will help you with self-discipline.

If you are going to be a successful blogger, you need self-discipline. Since no boss is nagging you to complete a project and there are no deadlines, it’s easy not to focus.

Researching, planning, executing your writing, takes self-discipline. I am improving every day.

Coffee, get the kids ready for school, coffee, gym, coffee, blog, pick up kids, homework, sports, dinner, no more coffee, bedtime. You get the picture—no time for the boutiques. And my blogging time is scheduled into my day.

Start a Blog.  Erin Condren Life Planner

12) Blogging will create opportunities.

Meaning guest posting (writing blog posts for fellow bloggers) and collaborations, masterminds, freelance writing jobs, and free stuff in return for an honest review.

13) You will meet fascinating people from all over the world.

Bloggers are a tight virtual community. I have connected with people from all over the world with this platform. We support each other and cheer each other on. Sometimes even providing a sounding board or advice when things aren’t going great, and they need to hear (or I need to hear), “don’t stop, keep moving forward.”

14) Blogging helps you get Starbucks rewards.

I can safely say that the majority of us are running on caffeine. Starbucks has a fantastic rewards system. The more you buy, the quicker you are rewarded!

Starbucks rewards.  Reasons to start a blog.

15) You will become a better writer.

I am working on this, trying to find my own voice. The more you write, the better you will become. Take it to the next level and take a creative writing class. How fun, challenging, and confidence-building would that be?

16) You will challenge yourself.

Many challenges await. The biggest challenge is hitting that PUBLISH button. Whew. That was exhausting the first few times, not knowing what to do next. You will learn, too, how to manage your blog after you hit publish.

17) You will find yourself with a ton of confidence.

You see, the simple fact of creating your own website with the help of the internet is empowering. Let me tell you, the confidence I felt when I hit publish was a growth experience. Now, what I posted was rough, but I did it.

18) You will learn about photography because you need pretty pictures on your blog.

One of the first courses I took was a photography course. My images have improved, so now I use about 25% of my own, and still about 75% stock images. I do have a goal to go for 50/50—another challenge for me. But, I do love stock images. Check out my favorite, Pixistock. I also use Pixabay, Unsplash, and Deposit Photo.

19) You will create something that makes you proud.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Once you create your first blog post, full of helpful information, you will be excited to share more. And make your next blog post even better. Wait until you see how this makes you feel.

20) If this venture becomes profitable, then you can work from anywhere.

Of course, you will need wifi and a reliable laptop. But that’s it. Work on the beach, on a cruise, in a hut, on a boat, in Alaska. You get the picture. Anywhere you can manage a good wifi connection.

21) And be your own boss.

Your blog is yours. Work the hours you want to work and write about what you want to write. You will be making the decisions for your business, without a boss or editor trying to call the shots.

If you need a “Fairy God Mother” to help guide you on your journey, check out The Blogger’s Glitterati Hub here. Sasha will have you up and running in no time.

22) You will have an excuse to hang out on social media (well, maybe I am stretching it with this one, not the best reason).

You have to market your blog, right? And there are so many ways to do this, mainly social media. And then you have to reciprocate for people who have interacted and helped you.

Create a time frame for social media. I spend about 30 minutes early in the morning, and then about 30 minutes while eating lunch. That is it. It has to end, or it can be overwhelming. AND you can become easily sidetracked with all of the other fun stuff going on with social media.

23) Maybe you really just like writing and journaling.

Journaling is a peaceful way to organize your thoughts. And I promise people will love to connect with you. Build a supportive community from far and wide; they will stand up for you, build you up, and be there for you.

24) Or maybe you want to write a book.

Many writers begin with a blog. It’s the perfect introduction to writing. Plus, a fantastic place to hone your writing skills. And once you get your book deal, you can use your blog for marketing your book.

25) One more reason. You will find your voice.

If you keep moving forward, you will find your voice and it will be liberating. Find your “why” and get going.

Why You Should Start a Blog

Go ahead, try something new.

I bet you will love it as much as I do.

Drop me a comment below and let me know your “Why.”

Jenny B Signature from Traveling Party of Four.