Most of us have a fitness routine at home. Some routines are goal-oriented — training for a 5K, hitting a squat PR, or leveling up on a movement at the gym. Some involve walking the trails, swimming, or biking. And many love practicing yoga. Travel can be a thrilling adventure but poses significant challenges for those committed to their fitness routines. Frequent travelers, health and wellness enthusiasts, and CrossFit devotees often struggle to maintain their workout regimens while on the go. The unpredictability of travel schedules, lack of access to familiar equipment, and the temptation to indulge can make it challenging to stay on track. This guide is designed to help you seamlessly integrate CrossFit-style travel workouts into your journey, ensuring you stay fit and energized no matter where your travels take you.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of maintaining your exercise routine while traveling, share a comprehensive list of travel-friendly workouts, and offer practical tips for continuing your fitness routine on the road. Let’s dive in and make your travel experiences not just enjoyable but also healthful and invigorating.

Affiliate Disclosure: There are affiliate links throughout this post. This means if you click on a link and purchase a product through that link, then I will receive a small commission for the referral. And that is kinda cool.
- Why Exercise While Traveling?
- 10 Essential Travel Workout Equipment Items to Pack for Vacation.
- Travel Workout Bodyweight Movements Explained.
- Glossary of Basic Travel Workout Terms I Will Be Using.
- 40+ Travel Workouts to Pack To Keep Fit When You Hit the Road.
- Bodyweight Travel Workouts No Equipment Required
- Let’s Add a Run to Your Travel Workout.
- Now Let’s Add a Jump Rope.
- Healthy Eating Tips While Traveling.
Why Exercise While Traveling?
Exercising will improve your travel experience by increasing endorphins—those feel-good hormones. Endorphins increase your energy level, decrease stress and anxiety, boost self-esteem, and improve mental health. These positive feelings will help you deal with all of the stressors of traveling to a new place with your kiddos in tow.
Here are a Few Tips On How to Prioritize Fitness While Traveling.
- Promise yourself that you will do one physical thing every day, even if it’s a quick, 10-minute daily workout.
- Create a travel workout plan; this can be as simple as 10,000 steps a day.
- Add your workouts to your itinerary. MOM TIP: Schedule your activity before the kiddos wake up. Then, you get your workout in, and the me-time is a bonus.
- Research the area where you will be staying. Does your lodging have a gym? Are there safe trails close by? Can you drop into a CrossFit gym? Are there yoga classes you can attend? Is there WiFi in case you want to watch a workout video on YouTube?
- Avoid public transportation and walk everywhere possible. You’ll get your steps in, breathe the fresh air, and conserve gas.
- Pack lightweight equipment: a jump rope, an exercise mat, and your running shoes.
- ***Make healthy food choices, including snacks.***
- Hydrate.
- Use your Fitbit, Whoop, or another fitness tracker. Set daily step goals and stick with them.
- Go on a walking or bike-riding tour.
- Water sports burn calories. Think kayaking, standup paddleboarding, or snorkeling.
- Get your rest.

10 Essential Travel Workout Equipment Items to Pack for Vacation.
When the gyms closed during the 2020 pandemic, many of us did the same thing: We created a home gym. Fitness was essential to maintaining mental and physical health at that point.
My home gym journey began with bodyweight exercises and a Zoom call with friends. Gradually, I added equipment — a jump rope, bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, a plyo box, and a 10-lb ball for wall ball shots. Oh, and I purchased a battle rope, too. But you can’t pack most of this equipment in a suitcase.
Here are ten travel workout essentials you can pack in your suitcase for your epic vacation.
- Proper hydration requires a water bottle. This bottle has motivational quotes to keep you on track with daily hydration.
- Fitbit, Whoop, or Apple Watch Fitness Tracker.
- Running shoes. You’ve heard the saying, “All you need is love…and a good pair of running shoes?” OK, I might have made it up. But bring a reliable, supportive pair of running shoes. Wear them on travel day, while exploring the sites, running, hiking, and cycling.
- Dry-wicking exercise clothing. Athleta is my favorite place to find fitness clothes.
- Jump Rope. A jump rope takes up minimal space but is a handy travel workout piece of equipment if you want to get your heart racing. Add 100 single-under jump ropes before and after any workout to get your heart pumping. And if you are feeling super beastly, double the fun by learning double unders.
- Swimsuit/Goggles. Water sports burn lots of calories. So, don’t forget your swimsuit and goggles.
- Sunscreen. Always protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays with SPF 50 sunscreen. Frequent sun exposure will increase your risk of developing skin cancer and cause premature aging changes in the skin.
- Headphones or earbuds and a motivating playlist.
- A Yoga mat to use as a travel workout mat for situps, pushups, planks, lunges, and beloved burpees. And yoga!
- Smartphone or tablet. Technically, it is not fitness equipment, but plenty of fitness apps on your smartphone or tablet provide hotel workouts and workouts without equipment.

Travel Workout Bodyweight Movements Explained.
Many bodyweight moves will kick up your heart rate and keep you fit while on vacation. Bodyweight exercises are cheap and effective, keeping you strong without needing equipment. However, they are not as easy as some people think.
Here are a few of these moves explained. If you have any questions or don’t know what something means, email me or hit up Google.

Body Weight Squat. ~ Begin by standing up straight with feet hip-width apart. Now sit your butt back as if you are sitting down in a chair. Keep your feet flat on the ground with your weight in your heels. Keep your back straight and avoid rounding the spine. Squat down as far as you can go without curving your back. Now stand up, driving through your heels, and squeeze your glutes at the top. If you are a beginner to squats, squat to a chair or bench, quick tap, then stand back up, pushing through your heels.
Burpee. ~ Oh, the beloved burpee, said no one ever. Begin standing, then place both hands on the ground and jump into a strong plank position, lowering your body like a pushup. Then, push back onto your feet and end with a jump and clap overhead. Again, focus on form by not arching your back and keeping a solid core.
Jumping Jacks. ~ Just like when you were a kid. Begin standing with your arms at your side and feet together. Jump your legs out while lifting your arms overhead, then quickly jump back to standing with your arms at the side.

Plank. ~ Begin lying face down, hands on the floor next to your chest, elbows bent and close to your body, toes on the ground. Push up with your hands and toes and hold this position for a prescribed amount of time. Keep your shoulders over your wrists, tighten your core, and don’t drop or pike your hips.
Situps. ~ Lie on your back with your knees bent or with your feet together and knees spread for butterfly situps. Contract your core and sit straight up.
Mountain Climbers. ~ Begin in a strong plank position. Quickly drive one knee towards your chest, then immediately back to the plank position. Then repeat with the other knee. Continue alternating the movement as fast as you can. Keep your shoulders over the wrists. Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your knees, don’t drop or pike your hips. And don’t compromise your form by going too fast.

Push-Up. ~ Begin in a strong plank position; make sure your shoulders are over your wrists, and your core is engaged. Keep your elbows close to your body, slowly lower to the ground, then slowly push yourself back up. If you need to modify it, you can perform pushups from your knees or elevate your upper body.
V-Ups. ~ Begin on your back with your arms overhead and legs straight. Tighten your core, lift your legs and arms simultaneously into a V Shape, then slowly lower back to the floor. Modify by bending your knees at the top. I call this a “dead bug up.”
Frog Jumps. ~ Begin in a squat position. Lower your butt, then use a strong arm swing to propel you forward as far as you can jump. Land quietly and softly, allowing your knees to absorb the landing and go straight into your next jump.

Lunges. ~ Begin standing up straight, with your hands on your hips. Take a long stride forward, lower your body until the opposite leg is touching the ground. Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and your core strong. Push back up into a standing position and repeat with the other leg.
Glossary of Basic Travel Workout Terms I Will Be Using.
Reps. ~ Short for repetitions, or the number of times to repeat the exercise. “Complete ten reps of burpees” = “Complete ten burpees.”
Rounds. ~ Amount of times you perform a specific set of exercises.
AMRAP. ~ As Many Rounds As Possible in the allotted time frame of the workout.
Tabata. ~ The goal is to push hard for 20 seconds, then take a 10-second rest. Repeat the combination for four minutes (or eight rounds). You can add a four-minute Tabata to any workout. Or complete three or four Tabatas as your workout, which will give you a 12 or 16-minute workout.

40+ Travel Workouts to Pack To Keep Fit When You Hit the Road.
Disclaimer ~ Before beginning any exercise program, including yoga, you should consult with your physician or health care provider for guidance and determine if the particular exercise program is right for you. If your physician or health care provider advises against beginning any exercise program, including yoga, then don’t do it as some conditions can be made worse by a change in activity level, including beginning any exercise program.
If you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, joint or bone pain, nausea, vomiting, then discontinue your activity immediately and seek medical attention. And if you think you have a medical emergency, activate EMS instantly.
These travel workouts were either made up by my fit friends and me or found on the internet and modified to our liking. We have tested them out and now pack them on our smartphone, ready for vacation. You can do one, or combine two or three workouts to make a beast of a workout. And you can modify them to your liking.
Bodyweight Travel Workouts No Equipment Required
1) Death By Burpee
Begin with 3 Burpees in a minute. Then, add one burpee per minute until you can’t complete the prescribed number of burpees under the minute. You can do this with situps, too.
2) Twenty minutes of this .
5 Pushups
10 Situps
15 Bodyweight Squats
3) 10 Rounds of .
10 Pushups
10 Situps
10 Squats
4) Five Rounds for Time.
20 Second Mountain Climbers
20 Second plank hold
20 Second Rest
5) Seven Deadly Sins
7 Rounds/7 Reps of these seven moves.
Body Weight Squat.
Jumping Jacks.
6) 21.15.9
Perform 21 reps of each move, then 15 reps of each move, then nine reps. Pick one of these listed couplets, or do all three.
Pushups and Squats.
Burpees and Situps.
Frog Jumps and Lunges.
7) 40-30-20-10 (Or you can start with 50).
40 Jumping Jacks
40 Burpees
40 Situps
40 Bodyweight Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
30 Burpees
30 Situps
30 Bodyweight Squats
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Burpees
20 Situps
20 Bodyweight Squats
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Burpees
10 Situps
10 Bodyweight Squats

8) AMRAP in Five Minutes.
Round 1
5 Burpees
10 Squats
Round 2
3 Burpees
6 Pushups
9 Situps
12 Jumping Jacks
9) Found It On The Web.
100 Squats.
90 Situps.
80 Lunges.
70 Burpees.
60 Second Plank Hold.
50 Mountain Climbers Per Leg.
40 Jumping Jacks.
30 V-Ups.
20 Jumping Squats (Just add a jump at the end of the squat).
10 Pushups.
10) Tabata
(4 minute Tabata=20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest).
Air Squats
11) 5 Rounds for Time
(or ten rounds for time if you’re feeling it).
10 Burpees
10 Situps
12) I call this “Flirty Forty.”
If you are a beginner, try fewer reps with each move.
If you are flirty at 50, well, then do 50 reps per exercise.
40 Situps
40 Body Weight Squats
40 Lunges per Leg
40 Situps
40 Body Weight Squats
40 Lunges per Leg
40 Jumping Jacks
40 Body Weight Squats
40 Lunges per Leg
40 Jumping Jacks
40 Body Weight Squats
40 Lunges per Leg

Let’s Add a Run to Your Travel Workout.
A lot of parks these days have distances marked. Or find a local school track. You can also measure the distance with your smartphone or estimate how long it should take you to complete (1 1/2-2 minutes for 400 or 9-10 minutes for a mile).
13) Beat the Clock.
Run 400 out with a timer. Then beat your time running back 400—repeat eight rounds for a two-mile run.
14) Sit-Up and Run.
Sit-Ups and Run 200 between rounds.
15) Four Rounds of this .
Run 400 (or run for 2 minutes).
20 Burpees
16) 1 Round for Time.
800 M run
50 Walking Lunges
17) Or this .
Run 400 meters
50 Squats
Run 400 meters
50 Pushups
Run 400 meters
50 Situps
Run 400 meters
50 Walking Lunges (each leg)
18) 867-5309 (Jenny, I Got Your Number).
Begin with eight reps per move, then run 400. 6 reps per move, then run 400, 7 reps per move, then run 400 — finish Jenny’s digits.
Then Run 400 (or two minutes)
Now Let’s Add a Jump Rope.
19) Strength and Sprint.
When I say sprint, I mean jog, take a deep breath, recover a bit. Or you can sprint it out. It’s your workout. On vacation, “sprint” is used interchangeably with “resort pace,” a lovely slow recovery jog.
50 Burpees
Sprint 400
100 Alternating Lunges
Sprint 400
50 Pushups
Sprint 400
50 Situps
Sprint 400
50 Bodyweight Squats
Sprint 400
50 Double Unders (Or 100 Single Jump Rope)
Sprint 400
20) Annie.
Annie is a Benchmark Crossfit workout that is fast and brutal.
Double Unders
21) Or if you want to take Annie go for a run.
Double Unders
400 Run (or two-minute run)
22) We did this the first day it hit 100 degrees in Florida.
100 Single Jump Rope (or Doubles if you are brave)
100 Squats
100 Situps
100 Lunges (Alternating, so 50 per leg)
100 Single Jump Rope (or Doubles)
23) 5 Rounds for Time.
100 Single unders
50 Squats
24) You’ll love me for this one.
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders.
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-Ups
25-20-15-10-5 Pushups

Sometimes I just do these. Yes, they may seem a bit over the top, but they work to get in your fitness.
25) Run a 5K (3.1 miles) or a 10K (6.2 miles).
26) 100 Burpees for time.
27) Just Squat. Pick a number between 100-300.
28) Lunges — Pick a distance.
29) Or run a mile and every two minutes stop and lunge 30 steps.
30) Even better, run a mile, and stop and perform ten burpees every two minutes.
Add in some cardio and have fun simultaneously by choosing one of these heart-pumping activities.
31) Running, of course.
32) Yoga. Try Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She offers free yoga videos for all levels.
33) Stand Up Paddleboarding.
34) Surfing.
35) Kayaking.
36) Horseback Riding.
37) Go for a brisk city walk.
38) Bike riding.
39) Canoeing.
40) Swimming.
41) Join a Pick-Up Game: Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball.
42) Snorkeling.
43) Hiking.
44) Trail Running.
Download Your Free Travel Workout PDF Here.

Healthy Eating Tips While Traveling.
I will be the first to tell you that trying local foods, eating dessert, and sipping Champagne are all activities that keep you happy while on vacation. But, it is still essential to eat healthily; this is why I abide by the 80/20 Rule. You know, 80% healthy and 20% “ish.”
So, here are ten ways to maintain that 80% I mentioned.
- Start your day off the right way with a nutritious breakfast. Try oatmeal and a banana, Greek yogurt with berries, toast with cream cheese and strawberries, a bagel and almond butter, or a smoothie. It doesn’t have to be a lumberjack breakfast, just something healthy to keep you covered until lunch.
- Always have healthy snacks available when hunger hits. Every member of my family turns into someone else when hungry (hangry), so I am always prepared.
- Stay hydrated.
- Get your protein fix. Why? Protein helps your muscles recover quicker. And protein is an energy source. Think lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds, greek yogurt, and beans.
- Stop at the supermarket or farmer’s market and fill up the hotel fridge — Greek yogurt, grapes, carrots, berries, hummus, hard-boiled eggs, almond butter, whole grain bread, and water. Grab breakfast right from your fridge to save money and time in the morning. Plus, having food available will keep you healthy when midnight munchies occur. Not us, of course, as by then, we have been asleep for hours.
- Reserve a room with a kitchen, stop at the supermarket, and stock up — Cook a couple of nights instead of going out. Try to eat in as much as you can. You have more control over your nutrition if you prepare it yourself.
- Eat a serving of vegetables with lunch and dinner every day. Or ask for double veggies at dinner in place of a starch.
- Plan ahead for meals out. You can use smartphone apps to filter your restaurant needs, choosing vegetarian, gluten-free, grass-fed, or farm-to-table. Plan ahead of time so that the healthy restaurants you want are on your route.
- Avoid greasy and spicy foods when eating out. Instead, choose a protein, veggies, and whole-grain bread, and pasta.
- And finally, ask for two spoons and share your dessert. No need to indulge entirely. And it’s nice to share.

Getting a workout in while traveling is not only possible but necessary for overall health. These 40+ workouts will help you maintain your routine while away from home traveling with your family. Plus, these tips will help keep those travel-related excuses at bay!
Even if it’s 30 minutes a day, moving your body has a ton of physical and mental benefits. Get moving, jack up those good feeling hormones, eat healthily, and enjoy your vacation.
Have fun, be safe, stay fit.